Setting DeliverThat as your Preferred Provider with Olo

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Olo & DeliverThat Preferred Provider Set-Up

Welcome Aboard! We are thrilled to be partnering with you, and we are here to help you deliver success. If you are a partner with Olo for catering delivery, the first thing you will want to do is enable DeliverThat as a preferred partner through Olo.

 It’s simple… here is what you need to do:

  • Log into your Dashboard: Olo Dashboard
  • Go to Dispatch Settings
  • Click drop-down for the list of Delivery Service Providers (see below)


  • Select DeliverThat and click YES. This ensures that DeliverThat will be available to service dispatch orders for all Dispatched-enabled stores they cover.

  • Please Note: There are some hidden DSP in the Dispatch Network that are not shown in the list in the Dashboard. These require a small amount of setup before they can be activated.

  • If you are looking for the full list of the DSPs or don’t see a particular one in the list, ask your Dispatch Delivery Manager or CSM for more information (see below) or, feel free to direct any brands to and the support team can assist with the proper setup.


 Here are two brief tutorials if you need additional assistance:

●      How to enable a DSP

●      How to select a DSP as preferred

A Few Things to Note: 

  • Restaurants with multiple delivery service providers (DSPs) can choose none, one, or more preferred providers. Your preferred providers will be considered first for delivery quotes to your customers.

  • If you have one preferred provider, the provider will automatically win any bid where they return an acceptable quote (provided the quote falls within your max transit time and delivery fee settings). If your preferred DSP(s) cannot fulfill the delivery request for any reason, quotes from other DSPs will be returned instead - as long as they fulfill your Dispatch settings.

  • If you have multiple preferred providers, this will enter a tiered bidding system. Your request will be bid on by your preferred DSPs and the winning quote will be decided by your set tiebreaker (fastest or cheapest). If none of your preferred DSPs can fulfill the delivery request, it will go out for a bid amongst your non-preferred DSPs using the same tiebreaker

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